Clay Caves – Jerome County Lava Tunnel

All around Southern Idaho are mysterious caves and tunnels have been discovered. From Twin Falls to Gooding, there are lava tunnels that create incredible underground exploring. Clay Caves, located about 30 minutes from Twin Falls is one of these incredible lava tunnels!


Drive over the Hansen Bridge and follow the highway north of the interstate. Pull over at the first of the two gravel roads, after E 750 S, leading into the desert terrain. A high clearance vehicle is required to drive this road. We suggest walking because of the uneven roads. Walk 1.7 miles and look for ‘cave’ rock. The opening of the cave faces east, and is fairly small.


Once into the entrance, the cave opens up and leads for over a mile into the earth. The beginning of the tunnel is fairly open, but narrows as it extends into the ground. There are a few places you will have to slide through, but it will open up again. The end of the tunnel is tall and almost grand. Visitors have left spray paintings over the years. Please do not paint on the rocks. Leave only footprints.


Please do not explore further than the light touches without a head lamp and back up flashlights. It can be easy to get lost in lava tunnels!