The history filled town of Oakley, Idaho has gorgeous landscapes in every direction including the City of Rocks, Albion Mountains, Oakley Reservoir, South Hills, and more! Trapper Creek Road will lead you from Oakley into the South Hills. Trapper Creek Road is a beautiful drive that passes the Oakley Reservoir providing excellent views! Please note that this road requires a high clearance or 4WD vehicle. There are many rocks and uneven road to travel on.

Drive into the hills for 20 minutes past the reservoir. On the side of the road you will see large rock cliffs, and a fence to keep in open range cattle. Park in this pull off lot and find the gravel road that leads north. The gravel road will follow interesting rock cliffs to the incredible geological formations sitting below Ibex Peak. 

Climb the sandy hill to see the incredible teepee shaped pilars! The tuff rocks are sandy white and stand in a cone or teepee shape. Hence, the local’s naming them Teepee Rocks. There are trails leading in and all around the funky rocks. 

They resemble the nearby City of Rocks and Castle Rocks landscapes, and have other areas like Teepee Rocks scattered around Oakley. Continue driving up through the South Hills to find Phantom Falls, Diamond Field Jacks, Magic Mountain, Ross Falls and more. The road has access all the way to Twin Falls from Rock Creek Canyon Road (515.) Always leave no trace, there is no maintenance here and we must keep it natural, clean and preserved!

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