There’s so much to do this summer! Take guided tours of architecture or the heavens. Enjoy the classic Western thrills of the rodeo. Watch amazing feats of speed and strength on the Snake River. Check out this bonanza of family-friendly events!

June 2-3
Birding Day Blitz. Castle Rocks State Park, Almo. Birders, assemble and register your team of two to four birding buddies by 4:30 p.m. Friday, June 2; then bird your socks off within the City of Rocks bird checklist boundary between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, June 3. For a registration packet and rules, contact Wallace Keck at 208-824-5911 or
June 3, July 15, August 5
Jet Sprint Races 2017. WARP Racing, 9999 Simplot Road, Burley. Events start at 10 a.m. and end around 3-4 p.m. $15 general admission, $10 seniors 65 and older, free for military personnel and kids 5 and younger.
June 3
Mini-Cassia Car Show. Cassia County Fairgrounds, 1101 Elba Ave., Burley. Featuring classic cars and fun for the family. Call Gary Ennis at (208) 670-5055 or Earl Simpson at (208) 312-2469 for more information.
June 3-4
Camas Lily Days and Sho-Ban Homecoming. Fairfield. Celebrate the Camas lily bloom with activities for kids and adults and the return of the Sho-Ban to their ancestral lands.
- Free fishing derby: 7 a.m. check-in time, 8 a.m. start time, 11 a.m. close, with a free hot dog feed immediately following. Open to kids up to age 12. Idaho Fish and Game will stock the Camas Kids Pond and provide poles for kids who may need them. Prizes will be available.
- Live music: Enjoy free music in City Park on Saturday afternoon, with a beer garden provided by the Camas Chamber of Commerce and food provided by the Camas County Fair Committee.
- Sho-Ban Homecoming: Members of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes will present a camas lily ceremony at City Park in the afternoon.
June 17
Oakley Tour of Homes. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. beginning at Howell’s Opera House, 160 Blaine Ave., Oakley. Oakley has been designated a National Historic District thanks to its turn-of-the-century architecture. Explore these historic Victorian homes up close during this tour. Call 208-862-3313 for ticket information.
June 20
BASE Jump World Record Break. I.B. Perrine Bridge, Twin Falls. Miles Daisher of the Miles Daisher Red Bull BASE Jumping Team will attempt to break the world record for the most human-powered BASE jumps off the I.B. Perrine Bridge. Celebrate with Red Bull and catch him as he closes in on the world title on the longest day of the year.
June 23
Annual Fireworks Show. Hagerman City Park. Join the Hagerman Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Hagerman community for a spectacular fireworks show. Park activities begin at 6 p.m. with fireworks at 9 p.m.
June 22-25
Idaho Regatta. Various locations in Rupert and Burley. This racing festival kicks off June 22 with Show & Shine on the square in Rupert, featuring a fish fry, pizza and beer specials, and entertainment. Proceeds benefit the Wilson Theater Restoration Project. Activities continue with:
- Boat Parade. 10 a.m. June 23. Meet and greet begins at 9:30 a.m. at Smith’s Food and Drug, 937 E. Main, Burley.
- Race prep and shootout. Begins 8 a.m. June 23 at the race site. Racer pre-registration from 8-8:30 a.m., testing/tuning at the race site from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m., drivers meeting at 4 p.m. followed by a swim break, and then the Flatbottom Grand Prix Shootout at 5 p.m.
- Races. Beginning with the national anthem at 9:50 a.m. June 24-25. Races run from 10:05 a.m.-6 p.m. Awards ceremony and banquet will be held on Sunday after the conclusion of racing at the Best Western Plus Convention Center.
Tickets and more info Click Here »
June 23-24
Gordy’s Highway 30 Music Fest. Twin Falls County Fairgrounds, 215 Fair Ave., Filer. Gordy’s Highway 30 Music Fest is like a big family reunion. Now in its third year, the Filer music festival will feature 21 bands Friday and Saturday at the Twin Falls County Fairgrounds. Tickets:
July 4-9
Sagebrush Days Celebration, Parade and Fireworks. Buhl. Buhl Sagebrush Days offers up an authentic, old-time American celebration that’s worth experiencing just to feel the down-home country charm. Highlights include:
- All-You-Can-Eat Trout Feed. Provided by Clear Springs Trout at noon July 3 at the West End Senior Center.
- Pancake Breakfast. Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. 7 a.m.-10 a.m. July 4 at the West End Senior Center.
- Buhl Fun Run. 8 a.m. July 4 on Main Street. All proceeds benefit the Buhl High School Key Club. For course information, call 208-543-8576.
- Parade. 10:30 a.m. July 4 on Main Street.
- Eastman Park Activities. All day on July 4, including a fire hose competition at 2 p.m., live music, and swimming for kids.
- Candy Cannon. 9:30 p.m. July 4, Poppelwell Elementary.
- Fireworks. Shortly after 9:30 p.m. July 4.
July 4
Camas County July 4 Fireworks Show. Enjoy a spectacular fireworks show hosted by the Camas County Chamber of Commerce and paid for thanks to the generous donations of community members and city and county officials. Show starts at dusk. Free.
June 30-July 4
Rupert July 4 Celebration. The entire city of Rupert puts on a big celebration for July 4, including food booths opening at 11 a.m. every day (10:30 a.m. July 4) and :
- 6-10 a.m. June 30: “Christmas in July” breakfast
- 6 p.m. June 30 and July 1, 3: “Sounds of Freedom” in the park
- 7:30 p.m. June 30: The Salamanders
- Dusk June 30: Fireworks display by Rupert City Fire & Rescue
- 7:30 p.m. July 1: The Long Run (Eagles tribute band)
- 5:30-7:30 pm.: Mutton Bustin’ at the Minidoka County Fairgrounds
- July 1-2: Horse racing at the fairgrounds
- 6 p.m. July 2: Patriotic program in the park
- 6 p.m. July 2: Wild West Shootout at Wilston Theater
- 8 p.m. July 2: Triple Shot
- 7:30 p.m. July 3: The Chancellors
- 6 p.m. July 3: The Firecracker 500 Lawnmower Races at the Fairgrounds
- 7 a.m. July 4: Firecracker 5K/10K/40K Bike Race at East Minico
- 11 a.m. July 4: Fourth of July Parade
July 7-8
Camas County Rodeo. Voted the “Best Little Rodeo in the Northwest,” this popular rodeo features professional cowboys from throughout the West. Enjoy plenty of food as well as wine, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks. Lots of food available as well as wine, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks. 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday. $8 adults, children 8 and younger free. C Me Later Arena, Fairfield.
July 8
Wake in the Snake. Snake River in Burley, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. This grassroots wakeboard competition features thrilling stunts right on the river. Food will be available on-site. For more information or to register as a competitor, visit
July 8-9
Declo Days. Kiwanis Park, Declo. Celebrate this historic small town from 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. each day. Featuring food, entertainment, and the Declo Days Hammer 5K at 10:30 a.m. July 8.
July 21
Star Party at Castle Rocks State Park. Castle Rocks State Park, 748 E. 2800 S., Almo. Get a crystal-clear view of the skies in this pristine area of Idaho. Solar viewing (looking at the sun using special glasses) from 2-6 p.m., then night viewing through a telescope at the Castle Rocks Lodge from 9 p.m. to midnight. More information:
July 21-22
Pioneer Days. Locations throughout Oakley, including City Park, Main Street, and the rodeo arena. Return to the days of the old West with a rodeo, Dutch oven cook-off, Pony Express rides, old-fashioned games, a Gymkhana, and much more.
July 24-28
Magic Valley Folk Festival. Locations include Rupert town square and the King Fine Arts Center at Burley High School. This multi-cultural folk festival showcases dance, song, and amazing traditional dress from locations throughout the world. More information:
July 27-30
Mountain Home Country Music Festival. Keith Urban, Luke Bryan, Chris Stapleton, and many other country stars will play the stage at this popular country music festival. Camping is available adjacent to the venue. $145-$230, plus $30-$50 for parking and $155 for camping. Located about 30 minutes from Mountain Home.
July 28-29
Snake River Rockfest. WARP Racing, 9999 Simplot Road, Burley. Two days of solid rock music featuring Crazy Town, Vault7, October Rage, Knox Vomika, Rain for Dust, and more. Tickets $35 each. More info:
July 29
2017 Spudman Triathlon Registration. Burley. The Burley Lions Club puts on the Spudman Triathlon each year. This family-friendly event features a 1.5K swim in the Snake River, a 40K bike ride, and a 10K run in the countryside. Individual registration $100, two person registration $150, and three-person registration $195. More info and registration:
July 31-August 5
Minidoka County Fair. Minidoka County Fairgrounds, 85 E. Baseline Road, Rupert. Experience chariot races, many types of rodeos, carnival and horse races, animal shows, antique tractor pulls, and a good, old-fashioned fair atmosphere. More information:
August 12-19
Cassia County Fair and Rodeo. Cassia County Fairgrounds, 1101 Elba Avenue, Burley. One of Cassia County’s most cherished and celebrated events, this fair features rides, livestock exhibits, cotton candy — and a fine rodeo. The rodeo comes complete with a kids’ night, family night, motorcycle and ATV competitions, and Wrangler Night (first 200 attendees will receive hat stickers from Wrangler).
August 17-19
Gooding Pro Rodeo. Gooding County Fairgrounds, 201 Lucy Lane, Gooding. This award-winning rodeo transforms the small city of Gooding into a cowboy mecca thanks to a roster of world-class talent, including more than a 100 competitors who have been national finalists or world champions. Thousands of people turn out not just for the rodeo, but for the fair that accompanies it, along with the 4-H and FFA market animal sale. If you’re looking for a true Western fair and rodeo, Gooding is your place.
August 18
Savor Southern Idaho. Twin Falls Visitor Center, 2015 Neilsen Point Place, Twin Falls. 6-8 p.m. Feast on all the flavors Southern Idaho has to offer. Local chefs will prepare culinary delights with ingredients from our region paired with Idaho’s finest wines. $25 single/$40 couples.
August 21
Solar Eclipse Viewing Event. Arco City Park and Craters of the Moon. See the solar eclipse and follow up this once-in-a-lifetime event with special presentations at Craters of the moon in the evening. Check for more info.
August 30-September 4
Twin Falls County Fair and Magic Valley Stampede. Twin Falls County Fairgrounds, 215 Fair Avenue, Filer. Monster trucks, classic country, and a fast-paced rodeo: It’s all at this Magic Valley celebration. Check out traditional fair competitions, test your skills on the fairway, and check out the cowboys and cowgirls risking it all during the PRCA rodeo. Be sure to get your tickets: This rodeo averages 13,000 people.